Phyto Care

Phyto Care

 Multi Micro Nutrients Rich Liquid Fertilizer

Supports for enhancing growth, development, yield & quality of all the agricultural and horticultural crop.

  • It is essential for physiological functioning, cell elongation and cell division, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism of the plant body.
  • Helps in photosynthesis & chlorophyll synthesis of the plant & hence activates plant metabolism.
  • Supports plant resist with root pathogen & improves plant health.
  • Leads to optimum crop output for both their quantity & quality.


   Multi Micro Nutrients Rich Liquid Fertilizer

Supports for enhancing growth, development, yield & quality of all the agricultural and horticultural crop.

  • Promotes advantages root development and improves in active metabolism of the plant system.
  • It increases the availability and uptake of other plant nutrients from the soil.


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